Our Commitment
We want a child at our school to experience:
- Being engaged with their learning and excited about coming to school.
- Having space where they are able to talk about worries and concerns that they may have.
- Having access to nurturing staff.
- Spending their days with adults who are interested in them and committed to making a positive difference.
- Opportunities for learning new things.
- Being given an interesting and varied curriculum.
- Having ‘real’ learning opportunities.
- Feeling safe, with consistent boundaries.
- Being challenged in their learning.
- Being given the opportunity to experience failure and at the same time learn how to deal with this effectively.
- Having successful, inclusive friendships.
- Recognising that they are unique and an individual – “It’s okay to be me!”
- Feeling that they belong to a caring school community.
- Having a voice and helping direct how our school moves forward.
- Being supported in achieving their absolute potential.
We want a parent at our school to experience:
- Adults in school taking a sensitive approach to discussing any concerns.
- Feeling that they can be an active part of the community.
- Good communication, with notice of what is coming.
- Help in being a key part of their children’s learning.
- Knowing their children are safe in all areas of the school.
- The knowledge that their children are being challenged to achieve their potential.
- Feeling welcome, supported and comfortable approaching all members of staff.
- The feeling that any concerns are taken seriously.
- The knowledge that adults in school see their children as individuals
- Understanding and support with their children’s social and emotional development.