PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education)
- We want our children to recognise the things that make them unique. We want them to be positive about themselves, their achievements and to be comfortable in their own skin. We want them to be happy and to have goals and ambitions that they can work hard to achieve.
- We want our children to grow up happy and to become respectable members of the community, with an awareness of how to manage themselves and their interactions with other people in a positive way, showing tolerance for differences in the people they encounter. We want our children to develop the confidence needed to stand up for what they believe is right and to challenge prejudice.
- We want our children to develop the skills needed to manage disappointment and to be resilient in the face of obstacles that might block their way.
- We want our children to be aware of their own (and others) mental health and to develop strategies that they can use when they are finding things challenging. We model, encourage and support children in articulating how they are feeling, developing a rich vocabulary through discussion about feelings, identity, opinions and relationships.
- We want our children to grow up equipped for their future. We recognise the challenge that our pupils face growing up in an increasingly complex world, in particular with the challenges that they face in the online world. Therefore, we want our children to know how to keep themselves and others safe and healthy, and how to manage their academic, personal, social and online lives in a positive way.
- We want all our children to leave Hayward’s with experience and skill in the five Hayward’s Hero Learning Behaviours; Maturity, Focus, Respect, Honesty and Perseverance.
- We want our children to have the tools needed to manage challenges they experience growing up. We recognise that many of our children experience challenging situations in their young lives and consequently want our PSHE provision to support the building of self-confidence, self-efficacy, coping strategies and the resilience to ‘bounce back’ from these difficult experiences.
- We want to empower our children through the promotion of the key message that all children have the right to be ‘Safe, Strong and Free’.