
Our relationship with you is incredibly important to us. We want to ensure that your child's journey through Hayward's is a happy and productive one, where they create life-long memories to treasure. Working together closely is the best way to ensure that this works well. We do can this in a number of ways - through our day to day interactions, through parents' evenings which take place three times a year, through open afternoons or by phone or email. 

We recognise that there will be times when you have concerns that you would like to discuss. In the first instance, your child's class teacher is the best person to discuss the matter with. Catching your child's teacher after school or leaving a message for them to call you works most effectively.

Mrs Seller and Mrs Bedford, our two Assistant Headteachers, and myself are available on the slope before school and after school and we are very happy to discuss your concerns then or arrange an appointment either directly with us or through the school office. The office can be contacted by phoning (01363) 772970 or emailing; We will be in touch to discuss our concerns as soon as possible.

Please also feel free to let us know the good things and successes by emailing the school office. It is lovely for us to hear about successes both inside and outside of school. 


Some key information can be found below: 

School Uniform: 

Please click on the following link in order to view the new School Uniform Policy: 

School Uniform Policy 

Details can also be found in the school prospectus, which can be found by clicking here: 

Hayward's Prospectus 2022-2023

School Opening Hours: 

The school is open from 8:55am to 3:30pm. Our compulsory school hours are 32 hours and 55 minutes.